Tuesday, February 1, 2011



So here I am again at the library working on not one but two papers in, not your everyday MLA format but little known APA format. And let me tell you something they are not fun!! One is about my mom's unfortunate mouth sore and how it came about and the other is about STDs and the sexual decisions of college kids (only all the research follows kids in Turkey because apparently no one cares about American kids in America. kinda like it's cool to adopt a kid from a different country).
  But anyway, I'm taking a little break, enjoying nice company.
Ok well goodbye, going to work on more paperrssssssss!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sad day, bad news :(

Hey guys I've got a bit of bad news. So you know my hair? Well...(sigh) it hasn't worked out so well. 
   So once in 4th grade I got a perm and as everyone knows once you get one bad perm it's hard to get up the confidence to get another one. This perm was, to put it simply, AWFUL! The lady used very small perm rods and left it sit for the entire twenty minutes so these were hard and strong tiny curls in my super board straight hair. Not only did my hair frizz up like a bad Shirley Temple movie but when it started to grow out, the new hair was super straight while the bottom was still crazy curly. Needless to say I was sooo happy when that period of hair disaster was over. 

   In high school I started growing out my hair and at the end of sophomore year I longed for the long loose wavy curls my older sister had. The trouble was convincing myself a perm would work in my advantage. Five years later and I finally got the courage to take the plunge, be courageous and just go for it! 2 hours, $50, mouse, hair spray, and a bit of gel later and I had a version of the loose curls I wanted. As instructed I waited two days (that's 48 hours) to wash my hair. I let it air dry also like instructed just to see that the loose curls didn't keep at all! 

   And today, my hair is still straight as a board only slightly shorter as it was cut to make what little curl I had bounce. So I'm on needles and pins hoping my hairstylist can fit me in one of the two days I have left at home to fix my hair. 
    It's super frustrating that even if I can get in I'll have to sit through two more hours with liquid that smells like skunk poop dripping on my face and hope that it turns out well. Damn you straight hair for never holding curl!! 

Friday, December 31, 2010

HAPPY NEW hair do YEARS!!!!!!!!

Hello all and happy new years!! (5 1/2 hours early) What are your plans for tonight? I hope everyone has some great shenanigans ahead of them for tonight! As for me, I'm going out on the town with my new freakin' hair cut!!!!

Like it?? I just got it done!! Whoo hoo I'm ready to party and rock into 2011 with my new curly locks!! Tonight I'm going to 4th Street to watch what I believe is a miniature version of the Times Square ball drop!! But before it's off to a few parties to say hello and happy new year to some close friends. For those of you celebrating in a different area code HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I wish I could be with you all and I hope to see you soon!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beard Month

November 17th.  Halfway through No-Shave November. By now, I'm sure those beards are starting to become massive, unruly bushes of hair. They may be starting to itch and you might even find particles of stuff in them at night. 
   But this is a little encouragement to KEEP GOING! This is one of the most magical and unique times of year and it only lasts 1 month! That's 1/12 of the year you get to celebrate the amish and our forefathers by growing out your man-fluff in  a massive beard! Just imagine how massive those will be come December! So keep 'em growing men!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So I am sitting in the student center, minding my own business, working on some nursing modules. All of a sudden it sounds like someone is crying while talking extremely loud. I turn to find that a new girl has taken place at an adjacent table with a friend who is sitting quietly minding the volume level of the area. This girl, however, sounds as though she swallowed a giant bubble that got stuck in her throat and will not stop talking above the decimal level! 
 She keeps reading her stupid funny little alcohol quotes allowed in her bubble voice, laughing and telling this whole hallway how funny her professor is. I'm sorry m'am but I DON'T CARE!! You're bubble voice is nerve wracking and hard enough to deal with do you really need to tell the rest of the hallway about a goat. I have a computer of my own I can look at your clever little alcohol quirks if I wanted to and read them to myself. 
  I have come to the conclusion only that some people must not be able to hear the sound of their own voice. They must have a filter inside their timpanic membrane or something. There is no other explanation for talking so loud I can hear you through my headphones and over the six other conversations in this hallway. Maybe when she was a baby her mom put her crib right next to the tv and listened to it on high volume. Oh god, here she goes again. Please someone get a fork and bring it to me so I can puncture my eardrums and no longer suffer. 

Monday, October 25, 2010


    So I have finally sat down to write my paper that was due last Wednesday. I know right "Sarah stop procrastinating!" Sooo much easier said than done! And the thing is, the paper isn't even that difficult. It's intimidating, is it not, to sit down and write a paper. No matter how many times I tell myself this is the last time, I know deep in my heart it isn't. But, nevertheless, this is the last time I will procrastinate. 
    My paper is on the difference between a career and a job and how a profession is distinguished from other kinds of occupations. Not a difficult topic either! Well time to hit the grid iron and get it over with. Goodbye! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

To a Very Dear Friend of Mine

   This post is going to go out to a particularly good friend of mine! I just heard a song from Urinetown on my Itunes and it made me smile and laugh and think of you! You were so convinced we were going to do Urinetown for Spring Musical. We didn't. We did Miss Saigon instead. 
   I'm writing this in green because I know it's your favorite color! Unknowingly, it has become my favorite color too! I noticed it freshman year when everything was blending in with my green comforter. Anyway I'm sorry I haven't been out to visit. I feel awful about it especially since Thursday's the big day. I've been staked away here in Alabama for the last couple months.
  It's weird how fast time goes and how long it really has been! I'm so happy I can say all my memories are full of laughter, nonsense, and happiness! 
  Well dear friend, I love you and bid adieu!