Tuesday, September 28, 2010

back in the library!

Hello all!! 
 Once again I've pulled a chair up to my favorite study cube here in the library! Since I'm such a procrastinator, it's taking a very long time for me to get caught up with everything. 

  Today we went out and SURPRISE!!!! We surprised Stephanie with a nice dinner at Laredo's.  Unfortunately, my fun for the day is over and now it's nothing but hitting the books until daylight! Whoo what fun!! 
  I wish I was one of those extremely motivated people who could do whatever. Well anyway, it's time to hit the books!!!...right after I look at costumes online :) 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Do What Makes You Happy

I heard these insightful words on a sitcom the other day and they stuck with me. Is it really that simple? Is that the secret to life "do what makes you happy?" If it's that simple why is it so hard to just do it? Just do it. Forget about other people, forget about what you know, just do what makes you happy.
   Problem is, it's not that easy. The problem is there is sooo much more to it than that. Yeah in some cases it may be the answer and it's a nice thought to occupy the mind but nothing in life is that easy. The problem is  other people. How are you supposed to do what makes you happy when what makes you happy makes the people you love miserable? It's said if you really love someone you want them to be happy. Well what if you love someone and they love you but you are happy when they aren't and what makes them happy makes you miserable? What happens then?
    The good news is there are many different aspects to life and even if one thing doesn't make you happy chances are something else will. It's hard not to dwell on the negatives in life but I suppose sometimes we have to forgo our human ways and focus on the good things in life, like friends. and family. and the weekend. and new clothes. and beautiful days. So maybe that should be changed to "remember what makes you happy"

Sunday, September 26, 2010


back in the library again!!! Just had an encounter with Sir Dickalus Navis. I met a new friend today named Logan. It was magical! We are hanging out studying together like Gs. And Caitlyn is a G too. I'm almost done with my paper!! One paragraph and 3 sentences down! 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So I came to the library tonight. I've gotten a little behind on everything and I was trying to catch up. I was doing pretty good too!!

We got a little distracted. Hey but I love these girls so what can I say!! Let's see how the rest of the evening plays out!